LI 13U Elite National Football Team Kills it in Texas!
#99 Aris Bethea
#28 Andrew Kaiser
#20 Bryan Daly
#5 Catrell White
#1 Christopher King
#13 Daniel Horowitz
#14 Devon Gonzale
#8 Dylan Iorgoveanu
#3 Elijah Alvarez
#27 Jameer Reeder
#79 Jayden Jagmohan
#23 Jaylin Ballew
#4 Jayson zeva
#17 Jordan Lutz
#19 Kaeden West
#58 Kahmari Valentine
#51 Kyle Russo
#77 Lee Webheh
#26 Melan Williams
#15 Nicholas Matos
#78 Nicholas Rinaldi
#56 Nick Parisi
#72 Simon Sanchez
Eddy zeva
Will Platt
Tom Cianciuelli
Chad Ellis
Pete Rizzo
Lenny Parisi
The Long Island Elite 13U National Team returned from the Lone Star State with unprecedented success!
These New York football players trusted the process and committed to highly detailed practices in a 3 week span to come together and put their talents on display in the Country’s ultimate hotbed of football, San Antonio, Texas.
Being from New York, they were supposed to be their doormat and a laughing stock according to the actions and attitudes of the football fans in the stadium.
But 23 Long Island football players, 6 coaches and the greatest support from parents that a team could have, allowed for a huge success and a memory of a lifetime.
LI Elite was victorious over one Greater San Antonio all star team and a highly experienced, Friday night Tykes team called the San Antonio Predators. The predators organization has played 92 games in a 2 year span, and have only had SEVEN losses in that span. LI Elite was their 8th!!!!!! Most NY kids will not play that many games in their entire football careers.
Please take a moment to congratulate all the players, coaches, team managers, team mom, parents and families for continuing to show the country that Long Island HAS TALENT!
We forever planted a NY flag in the Lone Star State!