Year round program for ambitious football players. Includes clinics, camps, combines, and additional opportunities to improve skills.

An experienced advisory board and variety of tools to assist Long Island players with gaining maximum recruiting exposure.
Try out for the Long Island all-star  team and play in national post-season tournaments, spring games, 7v7s, and  more.

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Our Partners

Thank you to Conte Cuttino, Justin Kull, Golden Ukonu, Matt Johnson, Kyle Andersen, Bill Rom, Matt Capolongo, Kahmal Roy, James Brady, Jay Fiedler, and their performance teams for helping our athletes and our program achieve excellence.

Thank you also to Rob Taiani, Billy Cardello, Marc Negrin, Vince Cesarino, Long Island Lutheran High School, Saint Anthony’s High School, Sachem, St. John the Baptist High School, Kellenberg High School, Holy Trinity High School, Chaminade High School, William Floyd, Merrick, and Massapequa Mustangs for supporting the program, and for the use of their fields & facilities. The program could not exist without your support.

Our Sponsors

We are proud of our sponsors.

Long Island Lutheran (LuHi)
East End Blinds
Noble Elevator Company
The Horowitz Family

The Ciancuielli Family
The Hunter Family

The Rubinstein Family

Family & Friends

The Fraioli Family
The Martinez Family